Home Forums Lesson 1- Confidentiality, Anonymity & Consent What does the purple circle mean on Snapchat?

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    User AvatarDavid Robert

    You have seen a purple circle on Snapchat while scrolling. The purple circle usually indicates that someone has sent you a Snap, which is a photo or video message. When you see this purple circle, it means a new Snap is waiting for you to view. To check it, simply open the Snapchat app and go to the Chat section. Once you’ve viewed the Snap, the purple circle will disappear. Now you are aware of “What does the purple circle mean on snapchat.”

    Read more: https://getassist.net/what-does-the-purple-circle-mean-on-snapchat/

    User AvatarLucyCoffee

    What’s more, the reduction in weight and size makes half body sexdoll suitable for people with limited mobility or strength, providing a more convenient option for a variety of users. This design allows these people to release their own nature, thereby helping to reduce the occurrence of social crime rates.

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